May 31st @ 10:30 am - 12:00 pm

Join us as we extend a warm welcome to Dharmika on May 31st at the Spencer Creek Growers Market. Performing catchy, insightful music for all ages for three decades, Dharmika inspires audiences on folk festival and venue stages from Los Angeles to Seattle. Her lyrics articulate dilemmas of human experiences, while reminding us of how precious life is, while her empowering contemporary folk music invites us all to sing along, stand for kindness, and envision a brighter future.
Dharmika loves nature and thought she ought to pursue a somewhat practical career, so she became an environmental scientist. But music was her passion, so she produced an award-winning children’s album about rainforest ecology to ignite childrens’ curiosity about the magical wonders of our beautiful planet. She has been performing catchy, insightful music for children and adults alike for over twenty-five years, inspiring audiences on west coast folk festival and venue stages from Kulak’s Woodshed in Los Angeles, to the Northwest Folklife Festival in Seattle.
“If you’re seeking music that stirs the soul and ignites a spark of hope, look no further.” Songweb.net