The Spencer Creek Growers’ Market opens the 2016 season on May 26th with lots of fresh greens and other early season produce along with plenty of plant starts, a wide array of crafts, fresh-baked sourdough bread, fabulous cookies, vegan and paleo muffins, cakes, tarts & savories and delicious fresh food and fresh roasted coffee from our very own CafĂ© la Grange. For folks who are interested in starting or expanding their dairy herd, or would like to find a simple and effective way to knock down stands of blackberries and poison oak, we will also have several cavorting goat kids on hand!
Opening Day performers include the Garden Variety Trio, The Ridgeline Ukulele Extravaganza and Chico Schwall. Details of these performances can be found on our 2018 Music Calendar.
The market can be found behind the Spencer Creek Grange, which is located on the corner of Lorane Highway and McBeth Road, just outside Eugene. Hours are 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Here is the current list of market vendors appearing on May 26th — the list will continue to expand as Opening Day grows nearer.