Join us as we celebrate our 14th year!! Our market at the Spencer Creek Grange takes place each Saturday, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. from May 20th through October 5th. We set up behind the Grange building, which is located at 86013 Lorane Highway at the corner of McBeth Road in Eugene.
Instead of commercial farmers, our sellers are largely backyard growers and hobby farmers offering locally grown fresh fruits, vegetables, pasture-raised meats, eggs, nursery plants, plant starts and much more. Our market also includes many crafters and food artisans.
In 2023 we will again be operating a POP Club (Power of Produce) for kids. All elementary aged children visiting the booth will receive a $2 voucher which they can use to buy produce from any of our produce vendors. Fun activities will be offered each week at the POP Club booth.
Our Market Reservations page offers a weekly preview of what you can expect to find at the market each Saturday during the season.
If you’re interested in becoming a vendor, please begin by reading our Rules and Regulations and then Sign up to Sell!!
Our market accepts SNAP (Oregon Trail Cards), which can be used to buy vegetables, fruits, meats, fish, nuts, honey, bread, grains and edible plant starts and seeds. Over the years we’ve received generous grants from Helios Resource Network, the Willamette Farm and Food Coalition, and the Farmers Market Fund. This enables us to participate in the Double Up Food Bucks program, which provide SNAP customers an opportunity to double their SNAP dollars when purchasing fresh, dried or frozen whole or cut fruits and vegetables from participating vendors (edible plant starts and grains are not eligible). Up to $20 in tokens will be matched with $20 in Food Bucks. This means you can get up to $40 worth of food by withdrawing just $20 from your SNAP account!

The Spencer Creek Growers’ Market is a 501(c)4 non-profit organization. The volunteer board of directors consists of local residents, local food growers, producers, and business people.
Any individual in our community can become a member, whether they are a vendor, shopper, or just a visitor.
1 . Pay $20 yearly membership dues.
- Sell at the market when your products are approved
- Wholesale prices at Hummingbird Wholesale
- Invitations to the 2 membership meetings/celebrations in October and March
- The ability to serve on the board or help elect board members
- The satisfaction of joining and supporting an organization which is laying down the foundation for food independence in our community!