Ocober 6th — Harvest Fair

This coming Saturday, October 6th, the Spencer Creek Growers Market will hold its 9th Annual Harvest Fair from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. We’ll have an all-day cider pressing taking place — bring up to 3 bushels of apples (roughly 6 five gallon buckets) and either bring your own juice containers or purchase new, one-gallon containers for $2 at the market. 10 to 15 pounds of apples makes about a gallon of cider. Simply show up with apples and then walk away with fresh cider! We’re looking for a couple of fun-loving, able-bodied volunteers to help out with the cider pressing. No experience necessary! Contact us or express your interest at the cider pressing area on Saturday!
Music will be performed by Suzie and the Sauce beginning at around 11:00 a.m.
Genie’s Open Source Kitchen will feature salmon chowder, vegan autumn vegetable soup, bread rolls, gluten-free corn bread, fresh green salad, honey walnut pie and fruit pie with whipped cream. Enjoy an old-fashioned country market where you’ll find plenty of fresh veggies along with crafters, food artisans, live music and a delicious all-local lunch with plenty of outdoor seating!