MENU: Hamburger made with local Grass Fed Beef, baked beans, home-roasted potatoes, green salad and blueberry pie — all for only $10 a plate! Vegan and gluten-free options available.
92% of ingredients by weight grown/produced in Oregon, 85% by weight grown/produced in Lane County. All home-made, ingredients are meticulously sourced for sustainability and low environmental impact.
LIVE MUSIC – provided by the Old Time Fiddlers and Garden Variety Trio.
SNAP MATCH – As always, Spencer Creek Community Growers’ Market honors Double Up Food Bucks and doubles your SNAP purchases up to $10, thanks to a generous grant from Helios Resource Network.
MARKET HOURS – 10 a.m. – 2 p.m., coffee and fresh bread items available
LUNCH HOURS – 11 a.m. – 2 p.m.
PROCEEDS of the lunch go to Spencer Creek Community Growers’ Market, the Spencer Creek Grange, the Oregon Paralyzed Veterans Association and the Old Time Fiddlers Foundation.
Changing the world for the better, one yummie meal at a time!